We have been staying busy, Chad with many many group projects and me with teaching. Chad is often found at the library working on one of a million group projects or at work. He is always so busy. Me well I mostly have it pretty easy, just go to school and exhaust myself them come home and sit on my duff. :)
This past week was my spring break so I lived up the doing nothing factor. I think the only productive thing I did was make a bow. But it was a great week. Monday I had a bit of a surprise, I was cleaning then got a little dizzy so I sat down but then got thirsty so went to the fridge to get a bottle of water but then the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor about 10 feet from the fridge. So that was fun. I went to our bed to lay down and called Chad a bit scared. So he came home from class and spent the rest of the day taking care of me. It was a great way to spend all day with your husband, just scare him :) I was scared that I had maybe fell on my belly or something but she was moving lots the rest of the day so I'm pretty sure that she is ok.
Other than that it was a great week!
It is pretty crazy to think that both of us will graduate in a few weeks but I can't wait for it and then a few more weeks and our sweet baby girl will be here! Here is a quick picture of my ever expanding belly.
Can't wait for the baby girl to get here :)