I finally went and bought a card reader to get the pictures off our camera! These pictures have been on the camera for almost a year.... I am really on top of it. :) So the first pictures are from the last few months in China, crazy to think that we have been home for almost one year! It is great to be home but there are a few things that we miss such as our students and the Chinese teachers.
This first picture is of me and my students right before the final performance. Just to remind you in case you forgot they were lost boys :) And I did their costumes and make-up.... I know you can hire me out for parties.

This is Chad just chillin at one of our student's house, with a stuffed monkey.

Here we are in Suzhou at a garden, Chad made friends with these old Chinese ladies that had us check our balancing skills. They were much better at it than us. You stand on one foot with your eyes closed and try to stand still. It is harder than it sounds.

Just us in China.

This picture is on a holiday trip, the holiday was Dragon Boat Festival. (if you look close, you can see a gigantic Buddha behind my head)

It isn't official until Saturday but Chad and I are graduating! We are both done with all final papers, projects, lessons, and tests. And man does it feel good! Now it is on to the job search...
It is a pretty crazy feeling of not knowing what to do next. I guess just wait for this baby to come. Which is getting harder and harder to wait for. She is due May 24 and not showing any signs of coming early, dang it. Last week at the doctors office I was 80% effaced but not dilated at all. So this morning when we went I was sure that I would at least have started this birthing process.... but surprise nothing. Still not dilated at all. oh well I guess I just have to be patient.
Here are some old pictures again.
This was our last Aggie Basketball game as students. Luckily they won :)

Here is a picture of me today... Yup getting huge. Or as Mike would say "getting very round"

These next few weeks are sure to bring some big changes.