(This post is lacking in descriptions but lots of pictures)
In August we decided to take advantage of this new thing called paid holiday, and took our first family vacation.
It was quite the trip we left on Friday afternoon and drove to Battle Mountain, NV then got up the next morning bright and early and drove to San Francisco and stayed with our friends Jordan and Andra. They showed us all around the town, it was amazing lots of good food in San Fran. It was a pretty intensive tour trip carrying a baby around but it was great.
We stayed with them in their studio apartment it was a tight squeeze but we were just happy to have somewhere to stay.
Then headed out on Monday to Monterey where we stayed the night in a hotel and relaxed a bit then went to Santa Barbara to stay one night with Vivian, a lady for Chad's mission, and her family. They were SO nice letting us stay and taking us around.
We then ended our trip by staying with our friends Ryan, Tiffani, and Lexi in Riverside area. It was a blast we went to Hollywood, the beach, and a Dodgers game.
So here are all the pictures I will briefly explain each under it. :)

This is us at the beginning of the trip. We weren't that happy at the end after spending 30ish hours in the car.

This is how Cora spent most of the trip, happy and content or sleeping. She really never cried almost the whole trip it was amazing!

Driving across the Bay Bridge.

Being tourists in San Fran, Cora still sleeping.

Us in China town. Surprising similar to China.... We don't really miss the smells of China.

One of the many places we got amazing food.

My sailor baby :)

This was an amazing view of San Fran and extremely windy but so beautiful.

The Golden Gate Bridge and us in the shadows :) On our way to see this view we parked on the side of the road and there was a car next to us that just had its back windows smashed in and their computer stolen. It was scary so Jordan and Andra stayed in the car while we ran and saw the bridge.

Relaxing at Jordan and Andra's.

Lots of relaxing at our hotel in Monterey.

I wasn't kidding when I said that Cora slept for pretty much the whole trip.

Vivian, she was so great.

Cora and Lexi enjoying the beach.

Cora's first time in the ocean.

Sleeping babies at the beach

Chad and Ryan watching T.V. oh and the babies... Also Chad being upset that Ryan kept putting his feet on Chad.

The Hollywood sign. Yeah we are cool :)

The Dodgers Game. So much fun.

Ryan, Tiff, and Lexi (Thanks again for letting us Vacation with you!)

The Dodger Dog

Chad caught a fly... Cora!

And here we are on the way home! Just out side of Las Vegas part of a blown out tire came up and hit our windshield and cracked it pretty good, it was really scary I didn't like it at all but luckily we were safe and it was ok.
This is Cora getting a little sick of the car with all her toys to entertain her. But the only time she cried was on the drive from Brigham City to home for just a few minutes. She was great. But we aren't planning on doing another 35ish drive again for a while.