I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and excited for our baby girl to come... soon. :) I have been having lots of contractions and continue to get bigger and bigger each day. But I have to remind myself that she will come when she is ready I just hope that she doesn't think that ten pounds is ready.

Cora has figured out that there is a baby in my belly and likes to touch it and feel her move. If she puts her hands on my belly and doesn't feel baby sister move she says that the baby is sleeping and says "baby coming".
Cora loves playing with her daddy and loves to tease him even more. Here are a few random shots from the other night, a rare occasion that I pulled out the camera.
Chads work had a great baby shower for us. They are all so nice to bring treats and gifts both for Cora and the new baby. The above picture is a fantastic diaper cake that someone made for us. It was incredible. Each layer is rolled up diapers surrounded by blankets and topped with socks made into flowers, binkys, soap, lotion, toys, and a cute stroller with a baby doll for Cora on the very top. It was amazing.
Below is Cora at the shower enjoying a cake pop.
Just Cora enjoying the tub.
I know that we have a tiny apartment and that we are going to adding a whole new person into it soon which will make it even tighter but I couldn't pass up an great find at the DI this month. A new elliptical! Chad has been using my mom's or staying late to go to the gym at USU so when I saw this gem for only $25 I couldn't resist.After Chad exercises he often does push ups and sit ups Cora has learned by example how to do them both. Her push ups are awesome but I missed getting a picture of them. :)
These last pictures are of how long and curly Cora's hair is getting. The longer it is the more curtly it becomes. I love it. Based on the last few days this summer is going to give us some awesome hair days. It seems that Cora may sweat a bit more then a normal child especially on her head. And when she sweats her hair gets really curly :)