The Evelyn Family took us to an awesome Childrens Museum in St. George that was so fun, the girls loved it. Mike was a great help caring for Princess Cora :)
Daddy teaching Cora about Physics :)
This may be my favorite picture of the whole trip. I love it so much.
Pretty Becca and Baby Johnny.
Chad and Madalyn recording some rockin tracks.
After the museum the kids spashed around in this fountain for a bit before we continued on our trek to the land of sunshine.
The first day in California we got to go the the LA Zoo. I was really excited to go to the zoo because I haven't been to a big one or any really if you don't count Willow Park Zoo for a long time. And I knew the girls would love it, and I was right. We were going to go to San Diego Zoo but decided to just do LA because it was closer, cheaper, and still had all sorts of great animals. I was glad that we did because LA was just the right size to see mostly everything and Cora feel asleep on our way out. We couldn't have gone much longer anyways :)
The pictures mostly explain themselves so just enjoy :)
The hippos were probably our favorite
So this alligator looking thing does have a good story behind it. It was literally the last animal we looked at and so I took a picture and as I was putting my lens cap back on it dropping into this beasty animals water... opps... Lucy was quite beside herself that we needed to get it out and cried most of the way out.
The next day we got to enjoy the beach and it was very enjoyable indeed. It wasn't super super hot but it was comfortable to be outside in swimsuits and the girls definitely thought it was perfect to swim in the water.
I knew that Cora would like the beach but both girls loved it more that I thought. So it was a great day. :) Thanks again to the Jackson family for showing us the ropes of the busy streets of Cali and letting us crash their house. It was a blast!

Cora had been playing beach at home during quite time so was really excited to bring home all sorts of shells to play with. She was one happy girl. We beat the Jackson's back to their house so we had a few minutes to kill so we have a few shots with each girl, i love them both.
We got to hangout with the Evelyn's again on our way home and loved every single second of it. They had an awesome pecan tree in their back yard that were so tasty and we even got to take some home with us.
It was so fun to enjoy time together as a family and see people that we love along the way. :)