I am going to do a few different posts today so here it goes....
Here are a few pictures of the kids in my class. I love them all so much, they are so sweet. Although all the ILP teachers (except myself) say that they are the worst class to have because they are slightly out of control. :)
On this day that the pictures were taken I was doing arts & crafts, we were making face puppet/stick figure things. They turned out really cute.
This is Edward. He is a pill, we never stops speaking Chinese.

This is Willey, he is a pill but also one of my top 2 favorites.

This is Nathan, probably the biggest pill in the class, but then again he is the other one in my top 2 favorites.

This is Ryan, he is really cute and pretty quiet except he is in a group of three of the kids in the class that often talk to each other.

This is Cindy, she has the biggest temper tantrums that I have seen. Very dramatic. These only child kids are kinda out of control. aka all the kids in China.

This is Joey, he is so sweet, very concerned about getting in trouble and being a good kid. He is in this trio that have secret plans going on in Chinese. The other one in the trio is Cade, I didn't get a picture of him but he is super cute.

This is Jan, she is very smart and loves to prove it in class.

This is Haron, also very smart but also reacts to the class clown acts and thus makes a lot of noise.

I have 10 kids in my class, so I don't have pictures of them all but I will get some.