And it was a perfect day. I woke up got ready and headed over to the school to use the internet, while walking over I passed two classes going out to PE and got the royal treatment of a million and three Happy Birthday wishes yelled at me! It was so fun, all day it was like that, all the kids telling me Happy Birthday and giving me hugs I loved it.
Chad surprised me and got me a beautiful bouquet of roses and lilys. They are beautiful. I taught in the day and about 6 of my students had made me a card or some sort of present. It was awesome. One of my students Haron made me a crown, a tiara, and a wand! It was so cute.
One of my students named Edward is a particularly crazy but for my birthday he gave me the best present he could give. Before class started we went out into the hall way and was doing the eye exercises the students do every morning, I guess it is suppose to help calm the student down and bring them under control. Haha. He tried so hard to be good for me for my birthday, I loved it! Just to let you know the eye exercises didn't work for too long.
After teaching I had to go to dance practice for a bit, but then Chad and I went out for dinner to Papa Johns. It was amazingly good. It was the best pizza I could have asked for.
The school gave me a cake so we came home and had a small Birthday party with two Chinese teachers, Chad, and I. It was kinda late so everyone else didn't want any cake. But man was it good :)
Overall it was a perfect day! It felt like my whole world around me knew it was my birthday, I loved it!
This is my cake that I picked out. It wasn't chocolate.... but it was still pretty good.