So I kind of have an excuse for not posting for so long... Our computer died. But thanks to great neighbors and friends we had a laptop to use (Thank You Shay and Michelle) and now a new computer (Thank You Lo). We now have a desktop and I quite like it. It makes me feel like I am more wasting time when I am doing just that... wasting time. But that is not the purpose of this post.
It is an update.
It has been a great 2 months. Chad hasn't had any school and so our weekends were school free! Yahoo. Unlike tonight, which is not school free :(
We attempted to go camping a few times. We even bought a huge eight man tent that Chad (6' 3" Chad) can stand up straight in almost all the way out to the side. Needless to say it is huge. And camping with my family we the smallest family had the biggest tent. I doubted at first but after being able to stand up and rock Cora in it I had nothing but praise for that tent. But back to the camping, we went up twice and the first time I got a few hours of sleep in, while in the car and the second time we came home at 11:30 cause someone wasn't going to sleep. But it was a good idea and now we have a great tent to in theory go camping.
A good thing that did happen at the river was lots of floating. Chad started a tradition of 10:00 pm float. The pictures below show that, They liked it so much they went like 8 or 10 times. My excuse was that Cathrine had my swim suit so I could participate.
We had family in from Michigan/Wisconsin in and had a blast with them. But unfortunately I am a terrible person and didn't get a single picture. But we LOVED having Brian, Lexie, and their family here. We miss them already.

Some sad news we finally sold my beloved moped. I got this treasure my freshman year of college and loved it ever since. It has many fond memories and I was sad to see it go. But it went out of our lives along with many of our house hold items thru a garage sale we had with my mom. Chad's
Minimalism paid off :)