
June download

We lived up the summer month of June and here is a quick fly by of everything we did.

A perfect summer night just chillin, dancing, and splashing

 The Smith family in our ward as a beautiful pond that they invite lots of people to many days of the summer. It was a lot of fun to play in the sand and splash around in the water.

Cute girls in summer clothes.

 We often play with play-dough and love it! Above is Lucy tasting it for the first time... she wasn't a fan.


 We also took a gander at the carnival during the fair and it was about as carnival fun as I remember as a kid. But we did get to go on a few rides and Cora loved it.
I accomplished one of my life long dreams. I donated 11 inches of my hair! I gave it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. And I love having short hair :)

 One Sunday afternoon we went to a beautiful drive and stopped to breath in some Now time near this river. It was perfect.

Lucy has been getting some teeth and didn't want me to make any dinner. A Popsicle didn't even help.

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