There still isn't anything really exciting happing in our lives right now but you get to read a post anyways :)
School is keeping both Chad and I very busy. Chad had a test today in Managerial Economics, which was able to raise his stress level to be about equivalent to the stress level of 3 people. But it is now over and "it wasn't as bad as I was expecting." -Chad David (Which I could have told you that about 2 weeks ago)
As for me, for the past 4 weeks I was teaching Pre- Al for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday at Mount Logan Middle School. Today was the first day of teaching Algebra 2 at Logan High School, my old stomping grounds.
I have only been one day (and only observed) but already I like middle school better. The kids I had there were happy to learn and always did what I asked them. So either they were well bribed or else high schoolers are lazy and don't do what they are asked! Even a plea as simple as to stop talking or else wake up and listen to the lecture.
I teach my first lesson to them on Thursday, so hopefully I can learn a really cool dance move or something that will get their attention at the front of the class room.
Speaking of dance...
My boss put this together a few weeks ago and it has provided much laughter since. -enjoy :)
Other than that we are still excited to go to China in January. For those of you who haven't heard the latest, we are going to Guilin, and will leave the end of January or beginning of February.
Just to remind everyone Chad's birthday is on November 20, so be sure to call him or send an email that day :) (he will be happy to see that I put that in here)
Ok now I'm just rambling. Love you all!
I couldn't post with out a picture so here a few snap shots from Photo Booth.