
New challenges of a growing girl

Cora is growing up more each day she is such a little girl now, no longer my little baby.  Last night I showed her Photo Booth on our computer and before I knew it she was taking pictures herself. She thought it was pretty funny. I love watching her learn new things.

With all this growing up we are facing new challenges that I would love to hear anyone advise on.
First is nursery.... She doesn't like it unless mom or dad are in there. I know this is common but is there a way to help her like it? 

She is also trying to decided if she like one or two naps. We are mostly doing one but sometime she only sleeps for a short time for that one and then is no the happiest little darling for the rest of the day.
Today I needed her to take 2 naps so I put her down for a morning nap and she ended up playing with her baby for over an hour until I went in there and took it away so she would fall asleep, Is there a rule or suggestion as to toys in the crib?  I have let her the past week or so cause she either sneaks them in there or else is really excited to have a toy to play with. It hasn't been a problem until today, and even today it wasn't a problem it is fun to hear her jabbering to her baby and monkey learning to play by her self.

That's really the only problems or questions I have she really is a great baby overall and I just can't help love her silly happy face.


Michelle said...

I love that she was taking pictures of herself! Cora is the cutest! I don't have any kids, so I am really not qualified to give advice. But, I have seen how my sister-in-law does "quiet-time" with her kids during a small part of the afternoon and even if they don't use it to nap, they still just play nicely and quietly in their rooms. It seems to be a good break for the kids during the day, a chance to read books and use their imaginations.

Alexis said...

She really is getting big! So all my kids outgrew their 2 naps around 12 - 18 months. Since every kid is different it just depends on how much sleep they need. I would say try one nap for at least a few days or a week to see if she can get used to the new schedule. For my kids this meant from about 5 on they were very grumpy. :) And as far as toys go I don't know. I always let Wes have a stuffed puppy with him and if he's tired he snuggles it and goes to sleep, if he's not tired he plays with it. I would say let her keep it with her, but that is just me. Don't ya wish these kids came with their own personalized manuals? Because when baby sissy gets here in May she'll be a whole new person to figure out! Such fun - mostly. Good luck! Oh, and if you don't use my advice I will still love you. I am trying to transition Wes into one nap but he's often up at 530 or 6 so there's no way when he wakes up that early that he doesn't need two!

Emily said...

Hey Jo,
Sounds like you already got some good advice, I'll give you my two cents. Take it or Leave it!

As far as the two to one Nap scenario, one thing that worked really good for my kids, is slowly moving the morning nap later, and the afternoon nap earlier, until they kind of merge together. I also am a real stickler about no toys in the crib. I will read books to the kids before bed, and then let them choose one to take to bed with them. Usually I encourage them to pick one with lots of pictures. Most of the time, when they're really tired, they will look at the book until they fall asleep. If they don't take the 2 naps, I will just put them down a half an hour earlier to bed that evening.
By staying consistent with the moving of the nap times/no toys/half hour earlier, usually in two weeks, they get themselves 'even out', if that makes any sense!

As far as nursery goes, I have found a few things that have helped, is building a relationship outside of nursery with the leader and ME helps. Sounds weird, but as we're building up to nursery, we'll make treats for our nursery leader, and take it to them to her on friday or saturday, or draw a picture or etc. If they have younger kids, I have met the leader at the park, and my kids seeing me interact with her and being comfortable with her seems to help. Again, this takes time, but seems to help.
Also, my kids have a nursery clothing item. For my boys, it was a tie. When we're getting dressed, we talk about nursery, the fun toys that are there, the friends who are there, and put on the special nursery tie, that means we get to go.
Lastly, building relationships with other 'friends' in the class helps too.
Sorry for the novel!
Call me if you don't understand, cause I may have even confused myself.
Love you.

Dallin said...

She is such a sweetheart. I love the pictures. She sure has grown up.