Cora's Two year old stats:
29 and a half pounds (78 percentile)
35.3 inches tall (81 percentile)
19.75 head size (97 percentile)
Because I have been a lousy blogger I am going to update the last two months on Cora Jo all in one post.
The beginning of May we welcomed Lucy into our home. Cora has been a fantastic big sister. She is mostly very kind to Lucy and loves to give her hugs and kisses. She surprises me with how motherly instinct she has in helping me take care of Lucy.
Also in May Cora had to second birthday. It was a really good day. She woke up to balloons all over our house and a candle in her french toast. Grandma Bischoff stopped by for a bit after breakfast and gave her a much loved mommy and baby ducks. We then headed to McDonalds Play Place in Smithfield because it was cold and rainy to go play at the park. Her cousins Ava, Madalyn, and Emi joined us there for some play time and Cora's first Happy Meal :)
We then went to Aggie Ice Cream with the Huff family to celebrate Owen's last day of school and Cora's birthday, Cora got Aggie Blue Mint, she loves the color blue. Next stop was home for a birthday nap but when we got there Grandpa Phillips had left some delicious donuts and candles so Cora blew out a few candles and had a bite or two then went to bed. Once Chad got home we all went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse then went to Grandma Phillips' house for a party with all the cousins, Aunts, and Uncles.
It was a great day, for about a week after Cora woke up and would ask where the balloons were and wanted Candles in all of her food.
June was pretty low key I think cause I can't really remember what
happened besides lots of playing at parks, playing at grandmas riding
her bike and jumping on the trampoline, and going swimming a few time.
Cora LOVES to go swimming she often asks to go swimming with her dad "go
swim with my dad" She also likes to go down the slide at the Logan
Aquatics Center.
You can't really see but it was raining really hard in this picture. It was a good day. We love rain |
July a few things happened.
On the 3rd of July we had a cook out at my moms house with all
the Phillips crew then headed home to Dee Ave to watch the fireworks
from our porch, a good thing about living on the second floor :) We
watched them with our neighbors Cami and Dustin who treated us with
sparklers before the show began. Cora liked seeing the fireworks but I
think was happy that they were far away and that she could go to bed
soon after then were over.
Then on the 4th we went down to
Brigham City where Chad had his annual Home Run Derby with his long time
friends Chet and Ryan while the women and babies stayed at the
Bischoff's nice and cool house. After the Derby we had an other cook out
then headed home for work the next day. Summer time is the best.
The middle of July we moved in a new house! We now live in Smithfield at Chad's Grandma's
house. It is so fantastic to have a back yard and a bit (aka a TON) more
room. We love it.

Since the 24th of July was on a Tuesday and Chad got it off we
decided to also take off Friday and Monday and to take a quick road trip
down to see our friends Stephen and Kristen Poe in Arizona. We left on
Thursday and stayed the night at my brother Christopher's house then got
up bright and early Friday and drove the rest of the way to Kingman,
AZ. It was a fun trip, really really hot. Much hotter than I expected
but it was fun to see our friends and to spend some time with them. We
went to church with them and a quick update on Nursery... Cora has been
going for about 5 weeks now and has no problem going! It was great. We
just made her cry for the whole two hours one week and ever since then
she goes with no crying. Amazing :)
We got back to Logan in time for the North Logan 24th Parade. It is the best parade of the whole year. I love it.
A few things about Cora:
- She loves to sing songs and/or have them sung to her. At bedtime she always asks for more songs
- When we first moved into our house all she wanted to do was play with the hose
- She LOVES Peanut butter. We eat it at least once a day either in oatmeal on bread, on bananas, or just plain.
She is also potty trained! It wasn't so bad I just decided one day no
more diapers and had to clean up a few accidents but over all she does
great. side note she still wears pull ups to bed so advise on how to
potty train for nights is accepted :)
- She sleeps in a big bed.
About a week ago she just decided that she wanted to sleep in the big
bed and so today we packed up her crib and is now officially a big girl.
- Cora loves to gallop. Galloping everywhere she goes.
Cora is very protective and proud of her little sister. She loves to
lift up Lucy's car seat cover and show her off to her cousins.
-Cora does not like grapes and is not to fond of watermelon... I think she is crazy.
Favorite foods include: Peanut Butter, oatmeal, eggs, beans, cheese,
milk (anything protein), yogurt, bananas, Popsicles, granola, chips, and
- People always notice her eyes and her hair. She is our Curly Q
- Every time she wakes up in the morning or from her nap she asks "where my dad?"
- She also still has her binky.. no comment
That turned out to be a really long post so we love our Cora Jo :)