May is always a busy month for us. It starts out with Lucy's birthday and of course she got the balloon decor to wake up to and any opportunity to blow a candle out for breakfast :)

She got to help make the cake and most importantly got to lick the frosting spoon and beater.
We love all our friends (Ben, Landon, Olivia, Lucy, and Cora)
One night Grandma Phillips Facetime'd us right before bed and got to spoil the girls with a bedtime story. Much better then regular old Mom and Dad reading books :)
Lucy pretty much potty trained herself which is awesome but she also learned about a new place in the house to make an awesome mess...
Our Story time in Dorlores each year has a Mother's Day Tea party were they have real tea cups and tea pots. It was so fun to eat baby muffins, strawberries, and Camomile Tea (even though none of us really liked the tea :) )
The week after Lucy's birthday on Mother Day Lucy got a got flu/sickness and was just a little bump on a log. It was sad to see her so sick but fun to get extra lots of snuggles. Well two days later as Lucy was just starting to get over it Cora got it and this picture is how the whole day was spent. Again sad for the sickies but nice to get my whole house clean and stay clean and extra super duper snuggles.
The next day was my birthday and everyone felt semi ok so we went out to eat, but then I came home and couldn't keep the dinner down. And the next few days were rough as Chad had to go to work and I was home feeling miserable. But after a whole week of someone being sick we finally got over it and all are well again! And somehow Chad avoided it all, lucky son of a gun :)
We had a robin build a nest right in our back yard! It was awesome to watch the mom and dad take such good care of the eggs and then the babies. I loved watching the whole process.
The day before Cora's Birthday my mom and Cathrine surprised me and the girls we a visit. Chad had planned a whole surprise visit from them with out telling me until less than a week before they came I was pushing him to help me make plans for the weekend and he broke, but we kept it a secret from the girls and there sure were loving it!
And then it was Cora's Birthday! She wanted heart sprinkle pancakes and she got it. She also wanted to go on a hike for her birthday and luckily Cat and my mom wanted to go to Mesa Verde so it all fit like a glove, and we headed off :)
After hiking my mom spoiled Cora rotten but making princess cookies and a delicious cake with all sorts of decorations on it.
Cathrine of course didn't hold back on the spoiling either and my girls sure love every part of both these amazing women.
Cora got a big girl bike with training wheels and so many other fun gifts from all her friends and family.

You know Cathrine is around if my girls hair is done. I don't know what she does but somehow they will sit still for her and she has amazing hair styling abilities.
We Love having Visitors
I had forgotten to pull out the birthday package from Grandma and Grandpa Bischoff for the Birthday Party but a few day later they got to open a late gift and have LOVED these little dog purses. Lucy especially carries her everywhere.